After 2 week observation:
I also realized that even if I put the same solution on the sand and the sponge on the tree, on the sand grew better. This is because on the tree, the crystals grew inside of the sponges, and on the sand, the crystals grew on it as I said before.
Making this crystal garden, I have realized that crystals need a lot of solution to grow because if you don’t have any, they won’t grow. Also I will never make crystals again on sponges and cotton because the crystals would just grow inside of it and you would not be able to see them. The best way to grow a crystal is to just put a poodle of solution in a cup, and leave it there, it would definitely work. Like a friend from my class did it.

Hello now is the end of our crystal making project, here is how it ended. After observation my crystal garden, I have realized something very important. The solution that put over the sand grew very well, and the solution that I put over the sponge and cotton did not grow well, it just hardens. This happened because on the sand, the crystals grew on it and in it, but on the cotton and sponge, they grew just inside it and harden on the outside. The crystals that were on the sand were salt solution, on the sponge it was sugar solution, and on the cotton it was borax solution.
I also realized that even if I put the same solution on the sand and the sponge on the tree, on the sand grew better. This is because on the tree, the crystals grew inside of the sponges, and on the sand, the crystals grew on it as I said before.
The crystals that grew the least on were on the little tree, actually they did not grow at all which is weird, but I probably did not put enough solution. And it grew the best on the sand. It was the easiest to grow crystals on the salt solution, and the sugar solution. And it was very difficult to grow crystals on Borax solution. The best was of growing crystals is to put a lot of solution, and to put the solution in sited the object too if it is possible.
Making this crystal garden, I have realized that crystals need a lot of solution to grow because if you don’t have any, they won’t grow. Also I will never make crystals again on sponges and cotton because the crystals would just grow inside of it and you would not be able to see them. The best way to grow a crystal is to just put a poodle of solution in a cup, and leave it there, it would definitely work. Like a friend from my class did it.

Some errors that I had were that I put too little solution once and had to put more again. Or I put too much and the crystals did not want to grow, the material just kept on getting harder and harder. If I could do this project all over again I would probably on the beginning look up on the internet where crystals grow the best, and which crystal solutions are the best.
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