Monday, November 22, 2010

Could Gold Particles Turn Trees Into Streetlights? Posted by Meera Dolasia on 11/15/2010

 Did you know that gold particles could turn trees into street lights? A Taiwanese scientist found that is true.

The team of scientists led by "Yen-Hsun Su" from the Research Center for Applied Sciences Academia "Sinica" in Taiwan, were researching a way to create a substitute for LED (Light emitting diode) that is commonly used for street lights. While LED is very efficient it uses "phosphor" powder to emit lights at different wavelengths - which is not only expensive, but also, highly toxic.
For his research, Dr. "Yen-Hsun Su" infused sea urchin shaped "nanoparticles" of gold inside the leaves of a "Bacopa Caroliniana" plant. The gold reacted with the chlorophyll, causing the leaves to emit a red glow, essentially creating a bio-LED. The luminescence also acts as an energy source that enables the leaves to conduct photosynthesis at night, which in turn absorbs Carbon Dioxide and emits Oxygen, making our air even healthier.
The research is still in its infancy and there are many issues that need to be ironed out, not the least of which is the high price of gold, which makes infusing even tiny amounts quite an expensive proposition.

 Another issue is the trees - The "Bacopa Caroliniana", commonly known as aquarium plant is perennial with a unique quality - Its leaves change color, turning from bronze to almost red, depending on the amount of light they are exposed to. The scientists will not only have to find other plants with similar characteristics, but also, ones that keep their plants year round - And then, since trees are constantly shedding old leaves and growing new ones, there is the question of how often the gold "nanoparticles" have to be replaced.

I think that this is really amazing. It can also save electricity. I choose to write about this because when i saw the title that gold particles can turn trees into street lights, it caught my aye. and as said, it can save a lot of electricity.    

I posted this on  the 22/11/2010 at 9:32

Site: Dogo news


  1. Fantastic Miona, you did great, love the pictures. And you summarized it very well! Keep up the good work...P.s: Love your blog its so nice! =)
