Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Baby Reflection


For the past 1 to 2 weeks in science class we had a project where we had to look after an egg like it was our child. The project involved us posting pictures on our blog every 3 hours. Even thought doing that was kind of annoying I didn’t want to complain that much since people have to take care of the baby constantly, every minute of every day. . Even though it was annoying taking the picture all the time, it did give us an idea of what teenage parents have to go through. Having a baby at our age is very bad since people can’t handle the responsibility but also it will put a lot of pressure on them and it might ruin their lives. They won’t be able to concentrate on their school work so their grades may go down. Some of them even stop going to school since they have to spend so much time around the baby and also because of the laughing and bullying. Also there are many more responsibilities when you have a real baby, like feeding it, changing its diaper, washing it however we didn’t have to do that. Also you have to entertain the baby so it doesn’t start crying and can’t put it on top of a locker until it’s time to take the picture which is what many people did. So that is why we couldn’t complain since people with real babies had to do so much more than what we had to do.
Even though it was a bit annoying taking the pictures, it was also kind of fun and a fun experience. When we just received out babies it was very fun. We had to make the birth certificate and we were all thinking about names and even god parents. We also started drawing faces on our eggs but some of them were very entertaining like Alex’s since she drew a six pack, a gun, and very muscular arms.  Also building beds was very fun. WE were making very comfortable cribs with many toys.
Our baby lived for about 1 week, however on the last day of the project Luka dropped the egg on the floor and it broke. However its life was close to the end so it didn’t matter. Again when you have a real baby this type of things cannot be said.

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