By Meera Dolasia on 11/23/2011
Thijs Meenink controls the device using two sticks, as if he is performing the surgery. In reality, it is the device that is doing all the work inside the eye. The only difference between the two actions is that the surgeons is hand moves the device by 1cm, the robotic arm moves only 1mm.
Each robotic arm has a diameter of 0.5 millimeter is able of skillfully using the tiny needle-like instruments. It is able to swop 1 from another in a few seconds. This saves up a lot of time since some surgeries need 40 instrument changes.
Something that is also cool is the fact that instead of the surgeon doing the surgery in an uncomfortably position, the surgeon will be able to perform the surgery while sitting, which increases the concentration and less chance of getting tired.
I really think that this is amazing. Especially since a student made it. I really wish his machine works, for his good, but it also decreases the probability of people loosing their eye sight during an eye surgery. It will also make work for eye surgents much easier and less stressful. I think that even with or with ought this machine, going inside someones eyeball is still very gross to me. Its very amazing to think what the future will be like, we are inventing theses kind of machines now, who knows what we will have in 20 years, we will be flying.