Monday, March 14, 2011

Rocks and Minerals Reflection

Hello every one, in science we had to research rocks and minerals. I found out many interesting facts about minerals.
First that a rock is actually many minerals together. Also that there are 3 types of rocks, Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rock. I thought that all rocks are the same. Also what I found interesting is that there is a rock cycle which means that other rock types can turn into other ones. And when you are identifying a mineral, wow, just to identify a mineral you need to find is luster, streak, color, cleavage, hardness, and specific gravity, I am never trying to identify a mineral. I would die before i figure it out.

Also, minerals can be created from just water. And that rocks can be minerals.

I also found some interesting facts like that a diamond can cut absolutely anything. And that Feldspars make up more than fifty percent of the Earth’s crust.

During this research, I found out a lot of interesting things, and I hope you enjoyed reading about this. I hope you enjoy my next blog post too.   

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Volcano Project Reflection

Hello, it me Miona, and i am going to talk about something different this time, it is a volcano project. All groups had to pick 1 or 2 volcanoes and 1 topic. I, Abby and Elena picked 2 volcanoes that were Mt. Aso in Japan and Mt.Kilauea in Hawaii. And our topic was when people are evacuated when the volcano erupts. And once we find all that information, we had to figure out a way to present it. We did a video. I think that we found a lot of information and did a great job, but the only thing that I did not like is that on the video we could not hear very well what we were saying. So that is all I think that came out bad, and that we forgot to put in a bibliography.

I think that our presentation wasn’t missing a lot of things. It only needed a bibliography, better sound and more effects so it is more interesting. Also I think we should have done the video live or a power point presentation.

I think that my over all grade should have been 5 out of 6 because we did not include a bibliography. Also because we did not talk a lot about our special topic. Also we did not put much sound effects and visual effects. Also we could not hear what we were saying in the video.

During this unit i learned a lot of things. I learned different types of volcanoes. I also learned that volcanoes that are under water can cause different disasters than volcanoes on land. Also about how volcanoes don’t always have an explosive eruption, they can have soft eruptions too. Also I learned that if a volcano is active, you should not live next to it or else you will get burned.

Volcanoes can also affect people. For example they can kill people if they live close to it. Also it can burn their hoses which can change their lives.

But it can also affect the world. Volcanoes can cause the land to be higher when the lava hardens. It can cause the plates to move past each other when an earthquake happens. Grass and forest land can be destroyed. And also it can curve in the land. Also it can pollute the air and to ozone layer.